Moonshine Sweet Tea is proud to be a sponsor of Archer’s Challenge spearheaded by 20-year old Archer Hadley!
This is not the first time MST and Archer have been partners. Both Archer and MST’ owner, Milton Verret, were named Austin Philanthropists of the Year 2016 and both were finalists for the national recognition.
Archer was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant and has used a wheelchair for mobility since he was 5 years old, but while cerebral palsy has constrained his body, it hasn’t constrained his spirit.
Archer has used his disability as a platform for empowering others – of all abilities – serving as a motivational speaker, encourager and change agent. After being stuck in the rain outside of his high school because there were no electronic doors, Archer decided to “challenge” his classmates and teachers to spend a day in a wheelchair to understand the challenges of navigating their normal routines in wheelchairs. Archer’s Challenge ultimately raised more than $142,000 used to install electronic doors in five Austin high schools. In 2016, Archer took what started as a high school project to a higher level by creating a nonprofit foundation. Moving forward, Archer’s Challenge will work to support wheelchair challenges in communities across the country, raise funds to improve wheelchair access in public places and empower and inspire those in the disability community – and beyond – to pursue their dreams.
About The 2016 Challenge
From October 10-15, 2016, Austin will respond to Archer’s Challenge. The challenge will happen city-wide in Austin, Texas, in support of the Rosedale School. Part of the Austin Independent School District, Rosedale is a school dedicated for families whose children have severe special needs. Each day, for six days, different parts of the Austin community will participate in Archer’s Challenge, spending some portion of their work or school day navigating their normal routines in a wheelchair. Participants include:
Day 1: Media Challenge
and producers from local television and radio stations will participate in the challenge. Locations include KEYE, CBS News, SPIRIT 105.9 radio
Day 2: The University of Texas at Austin Challenge
Students, faculty, administrators and staff from the UT Austin campus will participate in the challenge.
Day 3: Government Challenge
Leaders from the State of Texas, including senior staff from Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Patrick’s offices, and leaders from the City of Austin, including Mayor Adler and a number of City Council members will participate in in the challenge.
Day 4: Austin ISD Challenge
Administrators, principals, teachers and students from AISD schools will participate in the challenge.
Day 5: H-E-B Challenge
Partners at local H-E-B stores will participate in the challenge.
Day 6: Cabela’s Challenge
Outfitters at Cabela’s will participate in the challenge.